March 10th - Agreement
The last year, I’ve really enjoyed hiking. For so many reasons.
I live in Colorado, so, especially during the pandemic, hiking is what you do. It’s peaceful and quiet, and you can forget for a while that the world is messed up and confusing because it’s just you and the trees.
Recently, one of my favorite parts of hiking is how universal it is. No one hikes and says “Ew, this view is atrocious.” Or, “How dare that flower exist right there.” Everyone can agree that nature is a pure place where preferences can be ignored and forgotten.
Every person (or I guess I should say almost… I suppose there are some crazies out there who aren’t totally awestruck by nature…) would do the hike I did today and get to the top and think, “Wow. This is freaking beautiful.” It doesn’t matter how they were raised or what they look like or who they voted for. It’s just universally beautiful. We can all agree.