April 20th - Too Relaxed

Hey, Austin says, Wanna meditate tonight?

I turn around in my chair, not bothering to mask my look of surprise. What?

While this might not be an odd request coming out of someone else’s mouth, it definitely sounds odd coming from Austin. He is strategic, factual, to-the-point. Not really someone I see meditating.

I mean, I say, backtracking, Yeah, I’d love to meditate. I guess I’m just surprised.

Now he gives me the look of disbelief. Do you know how many studies have been done proving meditation to be beneficial for your mind and body? It would be silly to NOT meditate after reading some of these articles. I’ll send you a couple.

Ah. There he is. The Austin I know.

A couple hours later, we position ourselves in comfortable seated positions on the couch. Austin pulls up his “favorite kind of meditation” - seriously, how much do I not know about this guy - the kind where you focus on each part of your body starting at your toes and traveling up towards your head.

Does 15 minutes sound good to you? He asks. I nod. 15 minutes sounds perfect.

It takes me a second, but once we’ve reached our hips, I feel a total relaxation settle over my body. There’s nothing to do. No one I need to talk to. No email to send. Just 15 minutes of nothingness.

What feels like just a moment later, I pull myself out of my trance and cast a quick look at Austin’s phone screen where the video is playing. Austin! I say. He slowly opens his eyes and sees what I see. The video we had been watching had ended… 45 minutes ago. YouTube had auto-played another video full of meditation sounds, and we, from the looks of it, had slept/tranced/meditated right through it.

It might be partially in my head, but I’m totally convinced that the night’s sleep I got after meditating was some of the best sleep I’ve gotten in a while.

Unrelated art ~ This is the first step of the watercolor houses I do as commissions. I always send clients a draft of the light pencil sketch so they can offer any corrections - this one has been approved so next week I’ll post what the final ends up looking like! Sorry, I know it’s super hard to see!


May 4th - Scampi


April 13 - Retail Therapy