March 1 - february is over!
Another trip around the sun. And this year my mom and I have somehow gotten another sister over to the dark side (wooo! Welcome, Clare!).
Yesterday I had quite a few date-related realizations.
Realization #1: Wow! Last day of February! That means I have to do all of my timesheets for work for the entire month! (No, I do not need to save them for the last day. Yes, it would be better if I maybe, say, did them twice a month instead. Yes, I have been at this company for almost 2 years. And no, at no point have I ever been any better about timesheets. They are my nemesis.)
Realization #2: Wow! Last day of February! That means my car’s registration is about to expire and since I moved to Illinois from Colorado (yes, I am now a Chicago girly) I should probably get Illinois plates! Today!
Realization #3: Wow! Last day of February! That means tomorrow is March! And March is the Slice of Life!
Needless to say, I was quite a busy lady yesterday. For once in my life, the DMV (well, Secretary of State here) went without a hitch, and I came out of its gloomy concrete interior in under 30 minutes with 2 new license plates. This was quite an accomplishment considering my last DMV visit involved tears. Many. And not to worry - I got all my timesheets done and once again narrowly escaped the wrath of our finance department.
Here’s hoping that March is a little less chaotic than my last day of February. …At least I didn’t almost burn down my kitchen. ;)