March 13 - Burning Ears
“Were your ears just burning??”
When I got that message from one of the higher ups at my company, at first my heart dropped. What had I done? Thankfully she followed up quickly enough that my heart only made it down to about belly button level.
“We just got off a call and were all singing your praises!”
So, so often, we, as women, feel the need to tell each other when someone is saying something negative about us. I don’t know what the solution is - is it best to tell the person? Typically, I would say it’s best to keep it to yourself… But what if someone you care about keeps running back to this friend who speaks terribly about them? It’s a convoluted, complicated mess. The only real solve is to stop being mean, but sadly that’s not always an answer.
Getting this message today was such a breath of fresh air. Not only did I feel incredible about myself and the work I’ve been doing, but it also reminded me - the things we pass on that others are saying don’t always need to be bad! I can’t wait to say great things about my friends behind their backs… and tell them.