
While I am a resident of Chicago, I have been at my parent’s house in Connecticut for the last couple weeks for a few reasons.

Reason #1: myself. On January 11, I had a full body dermatology check and they removed a mole that they did not love the looks of. Turns out, something else did love the looks of that mole. The ‘something else’ being melanoma.

So back to Connecticut I came, 2 weeks later, to get a (larger than I had realized, holy toledo) excision done. The procedure was February 11 and the back of my knee is healing very nicely. I definitely could be back in Chicago by now. But that brings me to…

Reason #2: my mother. My mom, also a slicer, had her knee replaced on Wednesday. Clare, my sister, also a slicer, and my dad are both home, but I figured it would be nice to have a 3rd set of hands around. I figured right. I have a bachelorette party in Miami this upcoming weekend, and packed a very large suitcase full of clothes for healing and clothes for Miami (as you can imagine, there are not many articles of clothing that fall under the ‘both’ category of that venn diagram) so I could fly from Chicago to Connecticut to Miami to Chicago. While I am feeling a touch antsy without my normal routines (workout classes, solo tv time, neighborhood walks, etc) and a sprinkle stressed about the state of my plants (my friend stopped by to water them, but a month is a long time), I absolutely made the right call. My mom is a very respectful, very good patient. But even the most respectful and good patients need a lot of care. In fact, sometimes I need her to be a little LESS respectful. Mom, I know you’re reading this, just tell me what you want for lunch!

I guess I’ll admit to there also being just a smidge of a third reason at play here - I am about to have a very expensive year. We’re talking 3 bachelorettes, 4 weddings. I’m 28 and single, but a lot of my friends clearly are not. And, as I’m sure you can imagine, I have a few less expenses in Connecticut than I do in Chicago.

So, Mom, I know you’re reading this, thank you for paying for my lunch! And also tell me what you want!


Start with a mess


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