March 21st - Plans

Lately, it’s felt a little as though weekends have been filled with plans that don’t come to fruition. Usually, making a plan and not following through with it would drive me crazy. The last month, though, weekend plans falling through really doesn’t feel like the end of the world.

The last three weekends, Austin and I have told each other that we’re going to paint the basement.

This is going to be the weekend. He said to me on Friday.

Oh, for sure, I readily agreed.

This, you may have guessed, was not the weekend we painted the basement. Neither of us had the energy to make the trek to Home Depot for a full can of the predetermined paint color after a full day at the park yesterday and the prospect of a sweet, potential 24 hours of nothing-ness for our Sunday.

Next weekend, we’ll paint the basement. (And if we don’t, it will be okay.)


March 22nd - Numb


March 20th - Field Trip