March 13 - New Places

There was quite literally zero chance of me blogging yesterday. In my 10 years of slicing, I don’t think that I’ve ever not missed at least one day. Life just gets in the way.

It’s amazing how much the weather can change your opinion on a place. Friday and yesterday I would have told you that I could never live in Chicago. Ever. Spending the weekend here has made it very obvious that Denver is a mild place to live weather-wise. I’ve never walked down the street in Denver with tears streaming down my face from cold, biting wind. Meanwhile, just stepping outside in Chicago on Friday and Saturday cued the waterworks.

Today, however, I can see myself thriving here. Walking around the city today was beyond enjoyable. Sunny, 55º. It was perfect.

Don’t get me wrong… I love Denver and I don’t think my time there has come to an end. But it’s always fun to imagine yourself someplace new.


March 14 - Coworker or Person


March 11 - Just Let Me Fly