March 27 - Closet Cleanout

For those who read yesterday’s post… my chin is not only bruised but slightly rug burnt. It’s going to be a while before I attempt The Chin Stand again.

Today I was struggling to decide what to do with myself. I finished Inventing Anna (lots of opinions on that one if anyone would like to discuss) and wasn’t in the mood to start another show (although, season 2 of Bridgerton is calling my name). I’m still feeling significantly less than 100%, so I needed a chill-ish apartment activity.

As I reached into my closet for a clean pair of boxer shorts to throw on (no shame), the day’s activity dawned on me. Spring closet cleaning.

Many hours later, I have three trash bags of clothes for Goodwill, two piles of clothes for a couple friends, and an outfit consisting of clothes I haven’t worn since pre-Covid picked out for the John Mayer concert tonight.

…And yet somehow my closet doesn’t look any different.


March 28 - Real? Or...


March 26 - Chin Stand