March 16 - Who is Garth?

Ah, March. The month of slicing and basketball. This year for March Madness, I limited myself to three brackets. One for my company, one for my family, and one with my boyfriend’s family.

As those of you who are following the Madness this year, it has definitely been.. well… mad. In just the first day we’ve had some upsets that have tanked brackets across the states. I tried to switch things up a decent amount between my three brackets so, honestly, I’ve essentially had no preference for any of the games so far. But I still wanted to check and see how things were going.

I logged into the (very, very atrocious) ESPN user-interface and, after a good couple minutes of searching and clicking, managed to find my three brackets. Not great. Not horrible, but definitely not great.

I clicked into my boyfriend’s family’s bracket to see how everyone else was doing. And immediately was incredibly confused. There, among Alex’s sister and parents and aunt and uncle and cousins, was a user named ‘Garth’. Now, for context, my father’s name is Garth. And Garth is not a very typical name. And no one, at least that I know of, in Alex’s family, is named Garth. After a bit more digging I found that somehow, lo and behold, the ‘Garth’ in Alex’s family’s bracket was, in fact, my Garth.

DAD! HOW ON EARTH DID YOU END UP IN ALEX’S FAMILY’S BRACKET!!!!!! I sent to the family group chat, attaching a screenshot of my findings.

Lmao!!!! was the response. I was just pointing and clicking!

I hope he wins. Julia, my sister, chimed in.

After laughing so hard I cried and filling Alex in on the situation (Lol I saw that and was like, no way is that Larkin’s dad, it must be my uncle’s friend, was his initial reaction) we decided to let Garth stay.

It does beg the question… what other brackets did Garth make his way into and what other bracket members are out there are scratching their heads and wondering, Who is Garth?


March 17 - Nothing


March 15 - Net Positive