March 8 - Whoops
Yesterday was a long day. And, at the end of particularly long days, a small glass of wine calls my name.
I poured myself a teensy glass to sip on as I cleaned up my dishes. As is usually the case when you pour yourself a teensy glass of wine, I then wanted just a teensy bit more. If you give a mouse a cookie. I poured another splash and went to the bathroom to start my nightly skin routine.
I took one sip of it and held the wine in my mouth. In that second, I realized that I actually did not, in fact, want any more. Fortunately my bathroom, just like most bathrooms, has a sink. Instead of swallowing my sip, I spit it (fairly gently) into the white sink bowl.
I am not exaggerating when I tell you that wine went everywhere.
Wine drops on my mirror, my toilet seat top, my backsplash, my glass organizer cubes. This morning I found some more splattered on my toothbrush and face wash. While I cleaned it all up, I couldn’t help but think about how I spit into my sink at least twice a day while brushing my teeth. Red wine is easy to see. White toothpaste drops in a mostly white bathroom? Not so much. I think I’m going to start spitting a lot closer to the drain from now on.
I don’t think the moral of the story here is very hard to grasp: Drink the wine. And, probably, clean your bathroom.