So close.
All I’ve wanted to do since Miami is have a really good sweat. I haven’t been able to workout for real in a while - the incision on my leg made leggings pretty uncomfortable, and the skin was tight enough that it just wasn’t worth it. But now I’m feeling good and would love to get back in action.
Currently, I’m on a shoot for work in Arkansas. I was back in Chicago for all of one night before flying out here to interview people about their work in chicken hatcheries. We’re almost through the final interview when an idea pops into my head. I have leggings. I have a sports bra. My coworker has a rental car. I do a quick google search and narrow it down to 3 final yoga studios that hold appeal. From there, I find the one with a 6pm class and a lululemon mat rental for just $2. A bargain.
“Jen.” I wave her over. “Do you like yoga?”
Part of this working, I realized, was convincing my coworker with the rental car to come with me.
“Love yoga.” She says. Bingo.
I show her the studio.
“Ooooo looks great!”
Double bingo.
It’s been an exhausting day. A nice, hot flow before tomorrow’s 3:40am wakeup (yes, you read that correctly) is just what I need.
I can barely start celebrating when our client walks over. “Just made a 5:30 rez at JJ’s! It’s right next to the hotel.” She chirps cheerfully.
No. No no no. My plans! Ruined! Jen looks at me quickly with an apology. I keep my smile intact. My external reads, yes, of course, I cannot WAIT for a client dinner! while I internally crumble.
We get back to the hotel and I take a 20 minute incline walk on the treadmill instead. Better than nothing!