March 1st - Measuring Time
Let me just start by saying - what a freaking year. I feel like so much has happened and, at the same time, absolutely nothing.
In one year, I’m now living in a different place (still in Denver, though), am doing something totally different life-wise, have a different set of both short term and long term goals, my website has changed (at least) 5 different times, and do something totally different for a workout. The stationary bike has become a daily routine.
And yet, thanks to this virus that has taken over everyone’s lives, it’s easy to slip into feeling as though no time has actually passed.
There are so many ways to measure time, but for me, the biggest way is through experiences. I went back to Connecticut to see my family for Christmas, but other than that I’ve been right here. I’ve been trying to create experiences for myself around Denver - going for hikes, endless amounts of home renovations, lots of walks to the park, frisbee in one hand, dog in the other. Days tend to blend together in a way that they didn’t just a year ago. I suppose that’s what happens when you don’t have a big thing/experience to look forward to, a way to measure out the time. I’m such a planner, and right now, there isn’t much to plan.
Last March, I made it a goal to not only write, but also draw every single day. I’ll be continuing to do that this year, so stay tuned! And help me keep my word!
Until tomorrow, slicers! It’s so nice to be back. Here’s an illustration of me in my current blogging/drawing habitat.