March 15 - More, More, Less
Every year, I try to be a little ‘better’ at slicing. Include more anecdotes, put more effort in on more days, comment on more people’s blogs. More, more, more. For the most part, I do see both my storytelling and my participation improving year over year, which are the ‘growth points’ I care about the most - honestly, I look back at my slices from 4+ years ago and feel very, very uncomfortable reading them because I feel like I don’t know that person or the way that she relayed her stories. Hopefully 29 year old Larkin doesn’t cringe while reading this post, but who’s to say.
This past weekend, I knew I wasn’t going to slice on Saturday and I was feeling really guilty about it. I even told my mom.
Larkin, I don’t care if you don’t slice every single day. That made me feel better. Sometimes I let myself spiral because I don’t want to disappoint the community (even though this is one of the kindest communities I’ve been able to be a part of). But… She continued. Oh no, not the but. It can be really handy to have some back ups written for the days you know you’re swamped. That’s what I do.
Well, yeah. I told her. But I’ve also been trying to get better about slicing about day-of scenarios. I don’t want to let that go because I got lazy.
Some days it just doesn’t happen and that’s a-ok. Was her reply.
I don’t need to always listen to that ‘more, more, more’ voice inside my head. I can release some pressure, choose to go a little easier on myself. Slicing shouldn’t be stressful or anxiety-inducing. I’ve been trying to work on prioritizing what matters most to me (…not just with slicing). Do I care more about missing a day or blogging about a ‘real time’ scenario every single day? It doesn’t have to be both. I don’t always have to be superwoman.
More, more, less.