March 16 - Take Note
Over a month ago, my friend Amy asked me to stay in her house and watch her dog. (Amy is an expert planner and would never leave something like who is watching her dog Edison to the last minute.) She gave me the dates, which I barely glanced at, before I said yes. The important thing was that I knew I was in Denver and free. The actual dates did not feel very important to me at the time. That being said, in my head, those dates were Friday-Sunday. Maybe Thursday-Saturday. A weekend, definitely.
…Definitely not. I am writing this from Amy’s couch with Edison’s head on my lap.
I could blame my confusion about the dates on this past weekend. It was a long weekend. A particularly frazzling weekend. Maybe I just forgot. Or I could blame it on work. I’ve been very distracted. My primary position is taxing and on top of that I’ve been taking on too much freelance, saying yes too many times. Or I could even blame it on Amy and my communication. Maybe if she’d texted me closer to the date I would have registered that it was Wednesday-Saturday. Or maybe not.
But if I’m going to be totally honest with myself, I don’t think I ever even knew the actual date because I never wrote it down.
The real culprit here is the fact that I am absolutely atrocious at using calendars. It’s something I have been trying (and clearly failing) to get better at. Maybe my March 16th resolution is going to be to start putting social things on my calendar in the same obsessive way that I keep track of work. I would love to be the type of person who says things like: Oh, you’d like to get a drink next Thursday? Let me just jot that down. Or: Oh, you want me to watch your dog? Sure, let me check my calendar. Instead of just: Yep, great, see ya then.
I’ll let you all know how it goes.