March 19 - Yuh, huh
Yesterday I said the words “Yuh, huh” to my boss. I didn’t mean to. It just slipped out.
We had a creative team lunch downtown and, being the good boss she is, she offered to scoop me on her way.
It was a lovely drive, chatting about what our sisters were up to (we each have three), where she was going to dinner tonight (a great sushi spot), and nothing super ‘important’ or work related. I was feeling (maybe a little too) comfortable.
We made it down to the restaurant and I spotted a parking space.
Oooh, right there! I pointed enthusiastically towards the corner spot (the area surrounding this restaurant is notoriously bad for parking).
Mmm, I don’t think that’s a spot, She replied, but started to turn towards it anyway.
That’s when it happened.
Yuh, huh. I’m not proud to admit that it was every bit as sassy as you’re probably imagining. Think: gentle yuh, emphasis on the huh.
Without missing a beat, she replied, Nuh, uh. And then clapped her hand over her mouth and started cracking up.
Oh my god. I thought. I just ‘yuh-huh’ed my boss. And she ‘nuh-uh’ed back.
She pulled into the spot that was, in fact, a spot as I scrambled for an apology. Larkin, she said, I nuh-uh’ed you right back. Sometimes the sister talk just slips right out.
I’m glad it went over well, but I’m not planning on yuh-huh-ing or nuh-uh-ing my boss again anytime soon.