March 21 - Back Into It

Last night I put together three different drafts and just wasn’t feeling any so I didn’t post. And that’s okay. I’m working on putting a little less pressure on myself.

Today was lovely. I got what I needed to get done work-wise done and also made turkey meatballs and worked out and broke out my pens and paper for the first time in forever. I’ve been feeling really stressed lately and a no-pressure drawing session was just what I needed.

Sometimes I go so long without doing art that I find myself anxious to dive into it again - does anyone else feel that way with hobbies they love? Even if it’s something you love more than anything, the longer you go without doing it, the scarier it becomes to pick it back up. And then you finally do it and you wonder why you went so long without it.

Sadly I’m not comfortable sharing the stuff that I made today but hopefully in the next 10 days I’ll have some physical pieces to post on here.


March 22 - Go Figure


March 19 - Yuh, huh