March 24 - Sick (But Optimistic)
Ughhhh I hate being sick. I wasn’t good at being sick pre-covid when common colds were, well, common. I’ve only gotten worse at being sick now that common colds are less, well, common. For pretty much two full years, I didn’t get sick. I wasn’t seeing enough people for sickness to even be an option.
Now, however, that I am reentering the land of social situations, I am also reentering the land of germs. Add to that the fact that Denver cannot decide what season it is - one day it snows and the next day it’s 75. My immune system can’t keep up and, much to my chagrin, I have found myself sick.
Sickness aside, I’ve actually had a pretty decent day. Here are some of the good things:
I don’t have Covid.
I haven’t had a working dishwasher for the last couple weeks, and today the new one finally came in and was installed. No more hand-washing forks!
Today Denver decided on 75º instead of snow, so I went for a nice long walk in a part of my neighborhood I haven’t really explored.
My company revealed our new sizzle reel and my animation made it in! (Most of my other work for this company is super long term projects that have yet to go live… So while I wish I made more than one appearance, I can’t take it personally.) Feel free to check it out if you feel so inclined, my work is at 1:12.
I made a killer pasta dish for lunch with plenty of garlic and white wine and mushrooms and kale and heavy cream and parmesan. I usually don’t have a huge appetite when I’m sick, but I was craving a good carbs dish and figured I deserved it.
I finally figured out the Airplay on my television and am watching the Michigan Villanova game on my TV instead of my laptop. Gonna be honest, it’s not looking great.
Hopefully tomorrow one of my ‘good things’ will be feeling less sick!