March 31 - Hard Things
Quickie little post as I’m running out the door to grab dinner with a friend.
But wow. Per a speedy glance at some other past March 31st posts, it seems to be a common theme that I ‘can’t believe’ we’ve made it to the end already.
I’m currently working my way through Glennon Doyle’s book Untamed and was thinking last night about how this entire month is a really nice reminder that ‘we can do hard things’.
It’s so easy for me to feel overwhelmed and exhausted and fed up with how little time I have these days. But every day of March I managed to carve out 15-20 minutes and write. It makes you think about what else we can carve out 20 minutes every day for.
If nothing else, I hope that I continue to spend 20 minutes every day on me. It’ll be hard, and it already sounds daunting… But we can do hard things.
Thank you everyone who followed along! And a huge, HUGE thank you to my mom and the rest of the TWT team for putting this together every single year.