Colorado Department of Psychoeducation
Amelie, Denver
AD Larkin Meehan
ACD Luca Vescovi
CD Jacqueline Mellow
Role Concept, Art Direction
Awards The One Club, Medal, Interactive Websites; The One Club, Medal, Brand Transformation
CD-PHE was struggling with how to connect to their 18-30 year old mental health audience. They came to us with the ask for a new, fresh mental health campaign that was sure to appeal to the demographic and still maintain the seriousness of mental wellness.
What we realized, is especially in the last year and a half, consumers have been exposed to the same bevy of mental health tips. And guess what? They’re sick of it. The thing is, the tips themselves aren’t wrong or bad. If the information is good, but people are sick of it, what’s the move? We found that it’s all about the delivery. We wanted to feed people the same valuable information in a format they’re more receptive to. We needed something fresh, something cheeky, something unexpected, which is how “Good For You” was born.
I was the lead art director on this project. My role included creating the art direction, brainstorming the campaign name, researching mental health tips, branding the entire project/campaign, designing the website, creating all of the art pieces (tips) themselves, and then applying these pieces to social and out of home.