United Egg Producers

Bader Rutter, Chicago

AD Larkin Meehan
CW Dylan Weir
CD Mark Graham

Role Concept & Art Direction

The egg aisle is confusing - even for retailers trying to decipher consumer preference while fielding calls for cage-free commitments. UEP’s problem was that their cage-free certification was getting lost in the shuffle. To bring more attention to their certification, we focused on positioning them as the trailblazers in egg certification. 

They can see and provide the path forward because they built the path here. 

Unlike peer certifications, UEP’s only niche is eggs. 

Once we created and sold through our manifesto, it was time to rebrand. I created a new color palette playing off of UEP’s existing, and together with my CW partner, we came up with ‘The Unscrambled Egg’, a mini campaign within UEP’s larger umbrella.

< Colorado Arapahoe County